Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Daddy is coming!

Daddy will arrive tomorrow.

The little one is excited! She even puts aside her favourite cheese (it’s the last piece) so that her daddy gets to eat it when he arrives. She’s so sweet! That’s one thing about her that truly amazes me. Her thoughtfulness. She always thinks about others. Something we adult sometimes lack off.

I can never hate my ex. How could I when he has given me the most wonderful gift of all? I know some friends will find it odd that he is coming to spend raya with us (one friend even called to confirm his arrival). But I’m sure he misses his daughter (in his own way). I’m sure despite being surrounded by beautiful girls and other distractions, it can never beat the feeling of being with the little one.

We have grown so much apart over the last 2 years, especially for the past one year. I truly feel that he’s a stranger. Maybe that’s why when the ‘get-together’ dilemma pops up, I know I can’t do it. I know somehow I can never live with this man again. I just wish I’m ready to go back home so that the little one gets to spend more time with him.

But again, it takes two people to make it work. There is no point of going back when he has limited time for the little one.

Anyway, I promised myself to have a good time this raya. Odd or not, I’m inviting friends for open house, with his presence. I even have a special request to have petai in the menu. Who serves petai on hari raya?!?!? Guess I’ll be the first.

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