Friday, September 22, 2006

School bell

We were late today! Not exactly late LATE, but late enough for both of us. We arrived after the first bell but before the second bell (second bell is exactly at 9am). Her class-mates were about to enter the classroom. Still, we did the same routine ie hugs, kisses and blowing+catching flying kisses. :D That's our routine. Other moms notice it as well. They think we are really close.

Also, I had a meeting with the Students' Officer. Just a short meeting to ask about my girl, how is she coping, what help do I need ie after-school care, etc etc. One thing I love being here is the range of support available. They show concerns on child's development, something which is still lacking back home. The other day I read the local newspaper, about government teachers' reluctance on teaching beyond what is requred and students should rely on private tuition. Thats a bizarre!!!! I might as well send my kid to private school when I go back. Here, I dont have to pay a single cent on education and still my girl gets all she needs. In fact, after my meeting with the Students' Officer, I had another meeting with her school teacher. Ms C said that my girl knows her alphabets very well. She's quite on top of her class. :-) That's my girl! Ms C said that next friday onwards, they have homework. So I need to make sure she completes them by the following friday.

I'm inviting friends for lunch tomorrow, just before Ramadhan. Making Malaysian dishes. I've asked a friend to bring her sambal belachan. Yummy! My girl is pretty excited. Our first time hosting a party in our new home.

Have a nice weekend!

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