Thursday, September 30, 2010

Scrutinising thoughts

When I first started blogging, it was meant to be a place where I could voice out freely as I was not the type of person who could do so on personal matters. It was weird to see a side of me who was blunt and proactive at work or socially but not when it came to matters of the heart. I found it therapeutic each time I vented my steam like having a stress bubble pops, not that you could see one. I’m sure it would be a huge relief if we could see the stresses inside us come out in that form and burst into thin air.

Perhaps it was easier to express myself knowing no one was actually listening. Even when this blog was slowly gaining its voice, it was still a good place to reveal my thoughts as I remained anonymous to all.

Then somehow I made new friends through this channel and began to share with closest allies. I suppose if I was seeing a shrink, he or she would probably say that I was taking a step forward; could be a healing process based on Grey’s therapist.

Yet sharing this came with responsibilities. I began to scrutinise my thoughts and found myself in a crossroad of talking about subjects in general or touching personal stuff. Take today for example. I am torn whether I should write about her life at school or issues in parenting. I am sure my friends are dying to hear her fabulous life yet it may be perceived differently by others. Similarly, when things dont go my way, I am afraid my post might trigger concerns among my dear ones and the last thing I want is to worry them! (esp those high in hormones due to certain “condition”. *winks*)

I know I have come a long way in this journey of rediscovering myself. Either way, I am sure I will write about something instead of talking whether I should just like this crazy post. Bear in mind that I am still without tv, phone and decent broadband, hence it is no wonder that I am beginning to sound like a mental patient. I do not even bother to check how many tv series have I missed over the last four weeks as I am sure it will make it more depressing.

Let me see.... TVD, GA, NCIS, Bones, Castle, WC... and the list goes on. Sigh...

Have a good weekend people. We’re heading to a nearby city and I’m planning to grab more dvds to keep myself entertained (or sane).


The Momster said...

Hey, the tv guy haven't made an appearance yet??

But it's true... when you know who your audience are, you tend to keep things to yourself. Maybe we should have a secret blog? ;)

Naz in Norway said...

Hey! :)

Deciding on what to write can be a tricky business sometimes, mainly because perception is different from reader to reader. I used to worry about that too.
Writing about kids, what we do, where we go...could easily be seen as *riak* by some people but I lay down the facts ... the main reason why I blog. It was for my kids, a journal for THEM.
Those who like to read it, can do so and those who think too far/deep about my nawaitu, they can hop over to different blogs! ;D

That said, I do limit myself - there are things that do not belong in blogs. Those are sacred.

So, wassup with the little lady? :)

D said...

:) leceh kan bila kena tulis tapis-tapis? But you're great at writing analogies so we cover-cover lah sikit! LOL!

My latest post seems to be calling the anons to come out in the light! ;)

Inah said...

hey MsB..what ever it is..keep writing :)..i enjoy it in any way, ur stories or mini B :)

just wondering..r u in malaysia now?

... said...

haha, remember when you use to write about Mr Milan (is this the correct nickname? read all your posts but have forgotten some details) and earlier, TMD? wait let me check..
it's TD.
one of the things that i like about your blog, especially if you were to read the archive in one go, it really was like reading a book.
keep writing!

Ms B said...


The prob with this country is that they have many subcontractors. Not helping when they are foreigners. Most can speak either local language or English but some dont. Seksa!

Ah, I think occasionally I may have to privatise when I need to air certain things. ;-)

Ms B said...


Exactly my point! I lost count how many times my posts were taken differently, esp by those kaipohchis. Yet I have seen the beauty of karma on them.

As much as I want to be the old me, there are things I refrain from writing.

Ms B said...


LOL! Dulu tulis tanpa brek. Couldnt be bothered!!!! :P I suppose when the urge to vent couldnt be contained, anology is the best resort. :D

I am sure many could relate themselves to your latest post and couldnt resist to come forward. :)

Ms B said...


Oh, I was in Malaysia for 2 months and ate as much as I could. I am planning to go back for hols either in Dec or April.

Ms B said...


LOL! Ah... the men in my life. I remember my friends used to say that my love life (since uni!) is like those written in books. Being swept off your feet just like in Pretty Woman, a stroll in the city (when it was freezing cold), the arrival of blue letters in the pigeon hole (emails werent that popular back then) etc.

FYI, TD was renamed to another code, probably bcos I was watching a particular tv series intensely. :D