Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First dates -- the good, the bad, the OMG

The 'click'
If the chemistry is right, of course, it doesn't matter what you do on a first date.

Bret Bouchard, a 29-year-old Web designer from Cohoes, New York, says his best first date was an evening he spent a year ago with a bank manager named Ashley Stevenson, now 24. The two had a great meal at a Mexican restaurant then spent the rest of the night walking around the Empire State Plaza in Albany.

"It's always been my favorite part of Albany, and I thought it would be a romantic place to go afterwards," says Bouchard. "I showed her all my favorite areas -- the sculptures, the reflecting pool, the alcove in the performance center where your voice echoes. We ended up sitting there and talking for hours. It was the place we had our first kiss."

The last time I went on a "first date" would be a few months ago. I didnt have much expectation as he was not really my type based on his factsheet. You see, he was different from others; the ones I usually go out with or who are interested in me. Generally they wear suits, handle business or money matters, super achiever etc.

So I went with an open mind. Well, I actually didnt go and meet him. He picked me up from home. And yes, I asked whether it was ok for me to wear heels. He must have thought I was a weirdo. *lol*

The first impression I gave was not good. He made an effort to look nice but I came very casual. I felt really bad. Then the choice of place to hang out. He was kind enough to accompany me to a local joint that served nasi lemak kerang. As we both in different professions, it felt like two people talking in different languages.

But you know what, it was one of the best "first date" I ever had. The way it started, the place we went, the things we talked about etc. I never felt so relaxed. I supposed I felt that way because he shared some pieces of his life that made me pulled down my fences.

Booth: Getting information out of alive people is a lot different than getting information out of a pile of bones. You have to offer up something of yourself first.
Brennan: What exactly did you do in the military?
Booth: You see? You see what you did right there Bones? You asked a personal question without offering anything personal in return, and since I'm not a skeleton, you get zilch. Sorry!

What triggered this? Remember the kitchen scene in Sepi where Afdlin and Vanida fooled around? It reminded me of our third date. *smiles*

I am happy to know that he is doing fine.

Anyway, how was your first date?

Full article can be found:
First Dates


Hazia said...

Ms b,
I'm interested to know what happen to Bret and Ashley. Are they still together? Do they have many more great dates after their 1st date? LOL!

It was not too long ago that I had the best 1st date of my life, just 2 months back. Yeap, with Mr Designer. Story here: http://haziamyperspective.blog.friendster.com/2008/08/top-of-the-world/

Anonymous said...

is there a fourth date, and so forth? ;)

Kak Teh said...

aha!!! I smiled all the way when you were narrating the story to me on the phone! Sigh!

So how was mine? well, i nearly chickened out but my best friend said if I didnt go she'd kill me as I dont go out on dates. So, I went, and he was funny, I laughed a lot. We laughed a lot. I remember wearing a blue kebaya - my favourite.
And when we got married - I was in another blue kebaya.

Ms B said...


They got married a year later. He proposed at the same spot I think. *smiles*

Ms B said...

momster dear,

definitely not as geographically speaking, it is impossible. *smiles* But it was one of the best things that ever happened. U know, like in the movies or books, 'the one who got away'.

But i tell you something, whoever gets him (and i think she already has) is one lucky lady!

Lee said...

Hi Ms B, I thought you still in Venice or Hawaii on holiday. So this your new Kesington address, ha ha.
Wow, enjoyed your date experience.....but I am wondering what made you ask about wearing your high heels?

Looks like that will not be the first, I can snifff many more to come, *wink*.
And I'm guessing HE is from the same country as you before re the curry kerang?
Ms B I wish you many more to come...have fun, and lower the fence, tie up your Doberman, unlock the gate, ha ha.

"Apollo 14, you have ignition, you have a go....all systems are go....". Ha ha. Lee.

~Ibu Anggun~ said...

ms B,

thanks 4 the update :)


Ms B said...

kak teh dear,

ah... it was indeed sweet memories for me. always put a smile on my face each time it comes back to me. *smiles*

now i know the story of the blue kebaya. thank u for sharing! i can picture u both on that date (AG must be a true gentleman to win ur heart, eh?).

Ms B said...


heels? he he he. It was a blind date. *LOL* my friends were shocked too. but u know, i need to venture out a bit. I'm glad i gave it a go. Unfortunately, he is now taken. But it was worth knowing him. *smiles*

Looking forward to more first dates. wish me luck!

Ms B said...

Hi plain jane,

of course! I try my best to track down my silent readers if i can.

u take care ok! do drop by.
