Booth: You know that thing where you ask for the strength to change the things that you can and the wisdom to know the difference?
Brennan: Not really.
Booth: Well, it's a good thing.
I don’t really know whether I want to go on this trip. My emotions are mixed. I wish I could unleash my thoughts but I feel the need to keep it buried.
If I don’t feel like going, I’d cancel it. Money can’t buy happiness. Well, sometimes they do. I treat my loved ones if it makes us happy. Even sometimes to people who make my lil one happy (and my feelings towards them are neutral).
I don’t know how many chances I should give to a person. I’m sure there is a limit.
Can I have it all; motherhood, career and love? Should I give myself a chance to give it a try? Or should I just move on and let it go...?
What is the price of cancelling a trip? My peace of mind? Maybe... I wish I have the strength to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know whether it is worth it.
Pray hard, then follow your heart... Only the good is ahead of us!
Hi Ms B, probably you dont layan these thoughts now and just have that REST with lil one? Am sure you will have a clear mind after the trip.. Pegi jerr..
yes, just follow your heart.
sometimes you'll realize the reason of doing something after it has been done. not before.
D dear,
I did what I felt. All I know is that it turns out ok. *smiles*
Hi ms curvy,
Oh yes, technically I am having my rest and spending time with my girl.
Enjoy the long weekend yeah!
If only u knew what I went tru and what I did.*LOL* the ultimate drama queen moment. *rotfl*
Oh well, i feel better. In fact, much much better.
And I shall write about me being silly. he he he...
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