Thursday, September 11, 2008

Soap drama

Me : I received a text from McSteamy this morning. He has just arrived at Heathrow. I didnt know he was coming.
Ms Trader: Man, your life is like a soap drama! *grins*
Me : Ok, seriously, do you think he wants to meet up?
Ms Trader : I presume so. Otherwise why would he bother to tell you upon his arrival? So is he warm or cold?
Me: How on earth would I know? It is not like I have a device to check his feelings without seeing him.

We met by the way. *winks*

*Ms B is having so much drama. She needs to smack herself on the face and prays hard that there is no more, if she can avoid so*


D said...

believe me, i know what you mean. LOL!

SYUKS said...

Even our life is full of soap dramas... regardless we created it or it happened naturally.......

Ms B said...

Hi d,

Too much drama can be tiring eh? *winks*


U are right. The drama adds colour and spices to our life. It makes it more interesting, eh? *smiles*