Sunday, September 07, 2008

Baby blues

Our conversation tonight before she went to sleep:

Mini B: My friend, Laura, her mom is having a baby without a prince. Why mummy?
Me: Well, maybe some princes don’t want to take care of the baby.
Mini B: Then, you can have a baby without a prince too mummy.
Me: But don’t you think it is better for me to have one? That we have a prince in the family like some of your friends.
Mini B: I know... It is just that I want a sister or a brother so bad.
Me: I know honey. *pause* Does Laura have a daddy?
Mini B: I don’t think so. She has her mommy. Her mom takes good care of her. Just like you and me.

I wished she just asked about the birds and the bees. It would have been easier to explain. Being independent gives creative ideas to my girl. It is like she’s telling me “why on earth do you need a husband to get pregnant? Clearly we are doing fine just as it is”.

Huge dilemma...hmmm.....


Daphne Ling said...

Hey Ms B,

That is a good question: Why do we need a 'prince'?

I know having a father makes the child more 'rounded' and 'whole', the same time, why should a woman be denied of her right to have a child just because she couldn't find the right guy? Another society will frown and God will not be pleased thing?


D said...

I can imagine how your girl is feeling because she's an only child. Imagine my four (who shout, scratch and fight all the time) still wanting MORE? LOL...

She'll be fine. somehow.

AporN said...

Hey, i'm having the same opinion. Why must a guy have a woman to have a child? But again, living in Malaysia, it's kinda impossible to have a child without marriage bond.

Community stigma!

Your Mini B is cute.

SYUKS said...

But i think to build a family...u need the PRINCE, THE PRINCESS and the Little One..or else it will be a dysfuntional family..well in my opinion Ms B..

Ms B said...

Hi Daphne,

I understand where my daughter is coming from. She sees me raising her on my own and so far, we've managed.

Society will always have their own perception and I am not excluded from being judged despite my achievements. One thing I know, a child is God's trust into you; it is a big responsibility and never to be taken lightly.

U keep well!

Ms B said...

d dear,

I know. Most of her friends have siblings.

I just want her to believe that there is such thing as a fairy tale; to love and be loved, finding your prince charming and live happily every after. Just because we're doing well, I dont want her to think otherwise.

I'm sure she'll be fine. I wish I can do more for her..

Ms B said...

Hi aporn,

Err, dont u have another nickname that I can use? :D

Stigma... I know the feeling.

Mini B always says the darnest thing. SOmetimes I have to think hard to explain rationally to her.

Ms B said...

Hi syukur,

I was once a firm believer in that fairy tale. I still am now, but learning to adjust my expectations.

MOst of us would like to have the ideal family. But when it fails, we learn to pick up and try our best to make it better.

U hold on to that dream doc! One day u'll make one princess happy. *smiles*

AporN said...

Ms B,

Actually.. my real name is Suraphorn, hence the name Aporn. & trust me, it got nuthin to do with pornography at all... at all.