Monday, March 30, 2009

Tinker's facts and dummy guide

I was tagged by Cosmic Gurl to share Tinker Fairy’s facts. Here goes...

1) She’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
-Music video i.e. UK top 40.
2) You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does she get on her salad?
- None.
3) What’s one food she doesn’t like?
- Onions (err..does that count? She’s not a fussy eater)
4) You go out to eat and have a drink. What does she order?
- Water.
5) Where did she go to high school?
- I haven’t decided on that yet.
6) What size shoes does she wear?
- Size 11
7) If she was to collect anything, what would it be?
- At present, build-a-bear soft toys. She has about 10 Barbies and a few Bratz. Oh yeah! BOOKS! She has at least 30++ books of one fairy series, +- 10 books on the other 2-3 collections.
8) What is her favorite type of sandwich?
- Tuna
9) What would this person eat every day if she could?
- Roast chicken or lamb

10) What is her favorite cereal?
- I think it’s the plain cornflakes. She usually takes pain-au-chocolat or butter rolls for breakfast.
11) What would she never wear?
- Anything that can’t be matched with her outfit.

12) What is her favorite sports team?
- Too early to tell. *grins*

13) Who did she vote for?
- Are we talking about American Idol here?

14) Who is her best friend?
- her class mate.

15. What is something you do that she wishes you wouldn’t do?
- what else if not nag.

16. What is her heritage?
- huh? Malay.

17. What is her favourite colour?
- Red or brown. Actually, it depends on the colour for the season’s collection.

18. What is her habit?
- Once she picks a book, it’s hard for her to put it down. She’ll make time to complete it, even while waiting for me to get ready before we leave for school in the morning.

19. What is she proud of?
- That she has me as her mom. Apparently I am one of the coolest moms at school. I was told that her friends admire me. (there aren’t many career moms sending their kids to school)

20. Lastly, do you think she will read this?
- She would like to I think, given the chance.

I am not tagging anyone but feel free to do. *smiles*

What have I been up to these days? Work, as always. Last week was quite challenging as both home and work demanded my attention. When you are required to supervise your peers, you are expected to perform a level above. Thankfully the home affair was sorted with the help of the nanny. I am just glad that I didn’t crack during the chaos of juggling both affairs. The only reason I can write at the moment is because I am on leave. I try to take a day off every 5-6 weeks to unwind. Ideally, it is in my diary but half of the time, I have to cancel if work is demanding. Even so, I am tempted to check my emails and catch up on my work but I am trying hard to resist the desire. How pathetic can I be? Even on leave, I still think of work. *rolling eyes*

I have much to tell but probably towards the end of the week, if time permits. Sometimes I feel I should write a book, “The dummy’s guide on dating single mums”. Please don’t expect us to accept a date within a few hours notice. As much as you think we need adequate time to make ourselves presentable (or probably a love goddess) i.e. wax, shave, hoping the miracle cream will hide those stretch marks etc; our main concern is to make nanny arrangement for the kids. Please don’t be surprised if we simply decline, no matter how hot you are.


Inah said...

the dummy's guide to date a nerd girl - maybe i should write it :P

Cosmic_GurL said...

Waahhh...she eats lamb? Hehehe...what kid doesnt love barbie I wonder...

Yeah, men should be more considerate when it comes to asking single moms out on dates...

Ms B said...


maybe u should. *smiles*

By the way, hope the surgery goes smooth.

Ms B said...


U know, none of the barbies came from me. Most of them were gifts from her god-mothers! She has many cos most of my friends are single and have loads to spend. *grins*

sometimes men want to surprise us but with single moms, we need to plan everything. no such thing as adhoc.