Sunday, January 11, 2009

Of turning 35

Oh well, I lied. I still have a few years to reach there. I am still in my early 30s, blessed with the looks of a late 20s but sure as hell feel like 35, or probably more. Not that I want to turn back time. As much as I feel age is catching up on me, I doubt I’ll trade this journey.

I didn’t do much on my birthday. The night before, I took my girl out for a nice dinner. At midnight, I received a long distance phone call from a dear friend, probably a first in a very long time. In the morning, mini B greeted me with a card on her hand. Oh, I received another card as well. Thank you dear! I wouldn’t have minded the breadcrumbs, you know. *winks*

Then sms started to flow. It came from the usual people; family and a few friends. Mom wished that I’d get frequent promotions. I reckon she wants more Ashley’s stuff. *grins* A friend was being witty when I told him I felt old. His response was “women only reach their prime age in their late 30s.” Does this mean that I have at least five years to go to be considered exquisite? I thought I was already one, judging by the drama I had so far. *LOL*

Truthfully, I had a lovely time on my birthday. I was greeted by my loved ones, near and far. The phone call and cards made the day special. To add colours to my day, a friend felt I had a flare for language just by judging on the way I write. If only she knew that I was inspired by her to have better grasp in language. I remember back then how I wished my English was as good as her. In a way, I should thank her for leading me here.

So what did I wish for? I am not entirely sure. I mean, what would you ask when you have almost everything that you want?

Perhaps I should follow the rest and just make one. We never know when the fairies will grant our wish, eh?

So I wished for love. But this time, a little less drama will be much appreciated.

*Ms B needs to complete reading the Pixie Hollow’s collection soon if she doesn’t want to get into trouble with Mini B. Mini B keeps asking her questions about the fairies which she has no clue of, except for TinkerBell of course.


Inah said...

ami i too late to wosh u happy birthday?

happy belated birthday ms B :)

may you have a bright future ahead :)


inah :)

n.i. said...

Happy Birthday babe! very secretive of ur exact age eh? naughty naughty... anyways, May Allah bless you always!

D said...

HaHa... so am I considered exquisite? ;)

Yes, if Love is what you want, then pray hard for it and the best love you will get! Happy Birthday again, dear!

~Ibu Anggun~ said...

Ms B,

i wonder if we are sharing the perfect 11.. hehehe..

anyway happy birthday to you.. :)
love around us will keep us young in the heart *winks*

Anonymous said...

happy birthday....! may Allah bless u and everyone...!!!

take care

Ms B said...


thank you! *smiles* Oh, I hope so too.

Ms B said...


If you insist, I am slightly younger than you. *winks*

Thanks dear!

Ms B said...

D darling,

didnt you know that you are? *winks* Definitely at the prime age, babe.

Thank you for making my day!

Ms B said...

Hi Jane,

Happy birthday to you too! We should cherish love, be it in whatever forms.

Ms B said...

Hi Cherry,

Thanks for the wish and dropping by at my blog!

n.i. said...

hmm... slightly younger? hahaha... how 'slightly' is that? hahaha...

well, age is but a number, kan? (saje je nak sedapkan hati coz tahun ni i jadi 33)... hehehe