Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Holiday season part 1

I watched Happy Feet with my girl. It was hilarious! Good for emotional therapy, apart from shopping. Hehhehe.. Being on leave is bad for me as my money flows like a running tap. But so far, the things I bought are essentials. Heater for the house, sweaters and casual handbag for me, jeans and long sleeve top for my girl. Most of these items were on sale, 50% off, except for the heater. I shall prepare myself for the Boxing Day’s damage. It’ll be three times more than what I’ve spent so far.

Most likely I have to travel to Europe in January. Before I went on leave, the Director asked whether my visa allows me to go to Europe. I think that’s a hint.

A few things happened past days. Some were good, some could have been better. I try not to be bothered by the not-so-good events. I find it hard when someone gives ‘no time’ as an excuse for not doing something which only takes 5-10 minutes of their time. Sometimes I wonder if we swap roles for just one day, maybe it’ll be an eye opener for defining ‘no time’ excuse. Different people have different priority I guess.

The other day, my girl watched an advertisement for donation to some charity meant for abused or neglected kids. The advert had a girl, trying to open a can of food on her own in her house. My girl saw this clip a few times already. But that night, our conversation went like this:
My girl: “why there is no mummy and daddy in her house?’
Me: “Sometimes mummies and daddies don’t want to take care of their children.”
My girl: “like my daddy?”

There was a pause…

I asked, “are you sad honey?”
Her answer, “no mummy because I have you. You take care of me.”

How one advert affects her thoughts… how she relates her situation with the girl in that clip. A simple question but touched my heart.

A friend lost her father recently. It was difficult for her to find a seat to go back due to festive season and the bad fog in London. Most flights couldn’t take off. She got back the day after her father’s death. I hope she will find strength during this difficult time.


Anonymous said...

Selamat menyambut aidil adha to u n ur lovely girl...

maaf zahir dan batin kalau ada tersalah kata dan adab..

take care! have a nice holiday!

Anonymous said...

SALAM AIDIL ADHA dear and your sweet lil one.

Tisha! said...

Fortunately she has you!


Anonymous said...


Thanks dear! Salam aidil adha to u too!

Kak Ruby,

Wish the same to u too!


Thanks a lot!! Happy New Year!

... said...

though i've been reading your blog for quite some time, i never got the chance to read the earlier entries actually. so i've just finished with 2006's seconds ago. quite a journey you've pulled through. here's wishing you'll have all the good things in life, ms b.

p/s IF i read it correctly, your birth date is oct 10? i don't remember dropping you a birthday note last month. so here's a 'Happy Belated Birthday' for you.

pp/s it was green+white just a second ago... ;)

Ms B said...

hi darlene,

U read all my postings!??!? gosh! thanks dear. God willing, we'll sail tru. My girl has a lot of faith in me.

I'm a capricorn, so nope. not Oct 10. *winks*