Sunday, September 27, 2009

Garden of weeds

A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. And when the weeds begin to grow, it's like a garden full of snow. And when the snow begins to fall, it's like a bird upon the wall. And when the bird away does fly, it's like an eagle in the sky. And when the sky begins to roar, it's like a lion at the door. And when the door begins to crack, it's like a stick across your back. And when your back begins to smart, it's like a penknife in your heart. And when your heart begins to bleed, you're dead, and dead, and dead indeed.
Jamie, OTH

Some people have no qualms about sharing the details of their life. For some of us, we prefer to keep things to ourselves, even from those who appear to be close to us. There is no need to tell everything. Some details are on need-to-know-basis, as we normally term it in my line of work. Sometimes, due to our hectic schedule, we simply forget to tell or it slips off our mind.

Then, when there is a constant bugging of spilling the beans, one cannot help but feel annoyed by the whole thing. Occasionally, it is easier to blurt it out to someone who doesn’t ask anything or even to a stranger. I suppose when one is not provoked, the flow of sharing comes naturally.

Perhaps my lack of enthusiasm is a puzzle for some but I rather have flowers or even vegetables in my garden. Wouldn’t you agree


The Momster said...

It does. Sometimes when things are not meant to be shared, one would go mute even on the closest person.

Your enthusiasm (on whatever it is you are referring to) would also come naturally, I'm sure. ;)

D said...

aahh.. these people are called the 'inquisitives' by some but I call them 'busy-bodies'. Too many around you that you've got to keep a can of insect spray in your hands. Spppppssssttt... Spray je kasi mati! LOL!!

ps: been in hiatus for too long. I need to get a life. ahaks..

~Ibu Anggun~ said...

its easier to blurt it out to stranger-i agree.. :)

after all, its all about being emotionally comfortable when sharing the details.

Jumper said...

You live to tell what would add value to your life and perhaps others. If it makes you happy to share, spill it. Otherwise it's better to grow selected flowers and vegetables in the garden. It's better than sowing the seeds of messy weeds. Being an introvert myself, I have collected a pile of untold things that I don't share, simply because they are useless for me to tell and others to know. So I am a discreet guy with very few words to some people and that's OK.

Have a nice day.

AporN said...

I would rather sleep by the sea, sipping coffee or tea.

But, one need to share stuffs with other, eventhough one know exactly the solution to the problem.

Ms B said...


It can be very annoying at times. If I feel like it, I will share and of course, with the juicy details but sometimes I wish I can just drop the subject and leave.

Ms B said...


he he he.. Memang ganas tuh. Kejam sungguh. Kalau pepper spray, boleh jalan tak? *evil laugh*

Ms B said...


There are things that we can only share to a handful. We go through different phases in life and somehow, we stop sharing things with those we used to tell.

Ms B said...


Being an introvert myself (but my profession requires me to be the opposite), I find it easier to be in the company of my own and a selected few. I guess we are ok to share the things that we want with these people, tho for some, it is good to be able to share with many.

Ms B said...


I see that you have been occupied, travelling from one place to another, beach included. No wonder you enjoy sleeping by the beach.

And I agree, it feels good to be able to share with someone, esp good news.