Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Hope floats

Picture from foxmovies

Birdee Pruitt: You know, I always thought I was gonna be, I don't know, special. But I'm not. I'm just... I'm just an ordinary person. And that's OK. Because... you make me special. Don't you know that? Don't you know that you're everything in this world to me? And we're gonna make it through this because we are a team. Birdee and Bernice, the coolest chicks in Smithville. So don't you ever think about leaving me again... because I need you. I love you.
Bernice Pruitt: I love you too.

Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome. That's what momma always says. She says that beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will, too...
I never get tired watching this but somehow tonight, I could relate to the story a lot. So many similar scenes.....


Naz in Norway said...

Awwww MsB, I would love to meet you and MiniB!!!!

[danial][ma] said...

hej! Ms B...yeah, just give hope a chance to float and you can grab it when you are lost...;-)

Ms B said...


My girl is very gutsy. Always keeps our spirits high. Her fav phrase "we are a team mummy". *smiles*


Hope is floating too far taht I need to jump high to grab it. now where's the trampoline when I need one.