Thursday, February 04, 2010

Do you love your shoes

more than your feet?

The girlfriend has always been trying to get me wear those more-than-three-inches shoes but she has never won the battle. Yet her constant persuasion has led to an improvement in my soles collection.

I know some ladies prefer high heels to give an extra feature but the girlfriend and I dont really need it, which is why I seriously cannot imagine her in killer shoes i.e. 5-inch metal stilettos.

When I came across this
article yesterday, I could not help but to share with the ladies out there. Even WAGs are realising the importance of healthy feet and giving them the much needed flat and airy space.

Yet I believe most still insist on beautiful and sexy soles no matter how much (pain) it costs. *grins*


Cosmic_GurL said...

seeing im a size *cough* 11 and living in Msia, so i cant be picky...seriously they dont have nice shoes in my size..which is a shame...

D said...

I CANNOT wear them sexy stilettos! Feet not pretty enough and I don't trust them to carry my weight. LOL! ;)

IDB said...

oh, i fail at wearing more than 3 inch heels! i used to be a big fan of ballerina flats until i read one article last year that the best shoes for your feet and your back are the ones with a little a bit of a heel! so thats what im wearing now :) and by the way,i badly need a pedicure now..haha...

Hazrey said...

Ms B, pls expect your homemade cookies. :)

Melb said...

Thanks for the article. I wear flats and 2inch shoes since the surgery.. High heels not good for the back. Except for 1-2 hours functions..

Ms B said...


styles and size back home tend to be on the safe side i.e. general view, unlike here where they offer variety and even specialised in certain areas. Petite/large/super tall, sexy/modest/chic/brit. u name it, they hv it.

Yet weather wise, I tend to overutilise my flat boots. :D

Ms B said...


which is why I can only imagine myself wearing those shoes in polyvore land. :P

I prefer to be closer to gravity, hence lower court shoes. :P

Ms B said...


I think only in summer that we start to worry on pedicure. *grins* This was a first for me to hear about bunion. Apparently it is quite common. hmmm...

Ms B said...


Homemade by your madam or by Naz? :)


I think it is when we overdo it ie heels all the time that bunion starts to develop. A moderate approach is always preferred.

Anonymous said...

*ehem* I feel funny when I walk in flats eventhough I love the look! ;)

Believe it or not, I feel my back hurts more when I don't wear high heels! But I limit myself to 3 to 4" for now. I need it for some boost you know! ;)

p.s. I have wide feet so it's hard to get comfy shoes for me here. Cheap or expensive does not make a difference in terms of comfort for my feet. Boohoohoo!

Ms B said...


I suppose it's because your body has adapted to the heels. I on the hand will go wobbly whenever I wear high heels, which is such a shame as back in the old days, I could easily walk in stilettos!

Certain brands do make comfy shoes with killer looks you know, tho I am unsure how many of them are available back home.