Of late, I’ve been following a new series, FlashForward. I am unsure if it qualifies as ‘following’ as I missed the first two episodes and used the ‘on-demand’ to catch up. Occasionally when I’m too tired, my mind tends to wander while watching and I end up using the online to recap.
Well, at least I have something to occupy my time until Mentalist season 2 kicks off. The series have good looking asian men i.e. agent Cho and agent Demetri, both are Koreans if I’m not mistaken. I bet my Korean lover friends/readers will start googling if they have not heard of them. *grin*
What’s the relevance of this series and my post? Something has been irking me. Not too much but enough for me to share with friends (and you) about it. Because of my background, my decisions have always been made after thorough calculation. Ok, I lied. I had some situations where my actions were made on the spur of the moment but they were a small fraction as a whole. I mean, can you resist a good bargain on handbags and shoes? *grins*
As much as I feel glad that people are keeping tab on me, some questions should be dropped. Maybe they are concerned but there is a line between caring and putting your nose in where it’s not wanted.
So, instead of analysing the decision and situation, I wish they try to be me and see it from my perspective. Try putting on the “hat and shoes” and take a test drive. Only then they may be able to understand whether the option is safe or risky, good or bad.
As I told a friend recently, people around you usually say that they will be by your side no matter what but the reality is, we lead our own life. We have our own worries to handle and put our loved ones’ wellbeing before others. Often, it is those who are close to your heart who will be there through thick and thin, or to be precise, for the rest of your life.
In Flashforward, they are caught up with what will happen in six months time that they stop thinking about the present. If we worry about the future, of which in the series refers to someone dying, a wife with a new lover etc, we stop living for the moment. The future hasn’t happened and despite whatever consequences it may be, if we worry too much about it, are we not wasting our present time?
Thus, I choose to believe in my dreams, in the presence of those who are close to my heart.
“So live your life. Live everyday and know that the future is unwritten; make the most of it.”
I agree that if we worry too much about the future, we stop living the moment. Live life as it is. (macam ada link to my entry pulak! ;))
im terrible, always worrying about the future! so when it comes to making decisions, i get very fickle with the 'what ifs ??' im terrified of the word commitment so i tend to play safe.
agak2 something similar has been bugging us? *grins*
I think i've reached to a point that I should trust my gut feeling, as well as His guidance.
Part of me still hold on to that old self, being strict and a worrier but I think i mellowed down. I guess one has to go through phases and eventually thinks that taking chances makes life more colourful.
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