Sunday, February 01, 2009

Snow etc

Each time we see snow, we get all excited. It snowed three times today and by the third fall (which was not long before I’m writing this), it was so heavy that the roads, lawns, cars were covered by the white flakes. What a beautiful sight! I had to carry the lil one so that she could get a better view through our window.

It was a good way to end our weekend or perhaps, to start the week with. The lil one is feeling much better today. I got a phone call from school on Friday saying she wasn’t feeling well. It was just an hour after I dropped her off. It took me by surprise when I arrived at the school’s office and seeing how poor condition she was. She had high fever.

So when we reached home, she asked, “mummy, why am I sick?”

“Probably you are going to get bigger”, I replied.

“Hmmm, I think God heard my prayers. He knew I have to go to the deep end today. I get to skip it and stay home instead”, with a grin on her face. She was referring to her swimming class. Even when she’s sick, she still makes me laugh.

So it was a stay-at-home session for both of us for the past two to three days. We both ended up reading and me cooking three days consecutively, which was by the way a big deal to her (and me). Finally I got to complete one book and glad that I bought it despite I was not familiar with the author. The moment I picked up the book, I couldn’t put it down. There was so much about the story that I could relate myself to. Perhaps I shall tell more of the book on another day.

But for now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to spend the night with the two new lovers of mine; Dean and Castiel. They are on tonight. *winks* *naughty thoughts*

Updated @ 915am: The school is closed and we only found out after we arrived (they hardly close no matter how bad the weather can be)! Snow is about 5 inches++. Apparently my colleagues are still in bed and here I am worried about getting to work on time. *rolling eyes*


Naz in Norway said...

Little B is very lucky to have such a loving mom.
Concerning the *fever*, I do get quite a few of those too ... like a fractured arm on the day of gymnastics. Yang bagusnya malam tu juga boleh recover.. haha!

[danial][ma] said...

hej! Ms B...snowing over here too...;-)

D said...

Is it still snowing out there? My children enjoyed their snowball fight yesterday and their attempt to make a snow 'boy'.

Hope the two of you are better and charged up for the week now!

take care

Unknown said...

I'm having sore throat, but feeling quite chirpy hahaha :D
Snowing out there? You got to enjoy it. And yeah, email me some, will ya? :D

n.i. said...

alaa... nak main snow gak... :-(

... said...

Happy Snow Day!

Anonymous said...

and its still HOT here :(

Ms B said...


there are times that we just have to drop everything and focus on one thing that matters most. There was no way I'd be going back to office after looking how bad she was.

Yup, esp when suddenly they remember the school trips, outings, parties etc. They recover over night! *lol*

Ms B said...

Hi danial,

Stranded at home yesterday. ended up playing snow balls instead. *grins*

Ms B said...


sigh.. i think you know how I feel at the moment. trying hard to take it easy.

She managed to do a snow boy too! kids. *smiles*

Ms B said...


sore throat? gi makan ais kacang. I could have delivered some snow balls but they have melted today. Quite dangerous as the pavements get slippery.

Puas dah main snow semlm. Best!

Ms B said...


Some of my colleagues who were stranded yesterday, decided to spend the day at the parks and play. It was like ghost town. shops were mostly closed, limited transportation.

bUt yeah. we had fun! *grins*

Ms B said...


thanks! Do you want some? but they have melted.

Ms B said...

Hi inah,

Summer is good, u know. u get to see lots of flesh, hopefully well-toned. *winks*

Anonymous said...

it's snowing everywhere, except malaysia laa...! hehehe...

and why does the l'il one despise swimming on the deep end, may i ask?

maybe she's like imtiyaz, who prefers to 'walk' in the water or on the edges... hehehe... only recently he's gotten much more confident :P

Ms B said...


The snow was totally unexpected. We usually get light snow but this was enough for us to make snow man.

I have yet to ask her why she is reluctant to go to the deep end. Susah kot or perhaps dah masuk advance level. Nervous. They have proper instructor for the school.

I'm sure if Imtiyaz thinks he's a superboy, he'd jump into water without hesitate. Kids, they have no fear. *grins*

Ms B said...

Hi Alisha,

My girl is lucky to get proper swimming lessons provided by the school. I on the other hand learnt to swim the fun way. A visit to the grand-parents place during hols meant I got to spend time at the nearby river.