Friday, December 12, 2008

Is he yours?

Booth: Caroline went through a lot of trouble to get you private visitation with your father and now you don't want it.
Bones: The Federal Detention facility already has visiting areas.
Booth: Yeah, behind two inch glass, I mean, now you'll be able to give your old man, you know, a hug. (He hugs her from the side as they are walking)
Bones: I didn't ask for special treatment, Booth.
Booth: That's because you don't have to, because you are special.

My arms and thighs are sore. As much as I’d like to claim that it was due to an activity which had elements of kinkiness and sexiness, I have to disappoint you. They are in pain as a result of me taking care of my director’s baby. She had nanny crisis and took her son to work as she couldn’t reschedule her meetings. The boy somehow clicked with me instantly and since I wasn’t that busy, I looked after him while my director attended her matter. He is HUGE for his age! When I whisked him off to my director’s room, a colleague of mine said how natural I was with the baby. I replied by saying, “I should as I have one myself.” My colleague had a blank face and he wasn’t the only one. My secretary later told that some people asked if I indeed have a child.

One of the things that my senior MD shared during my interview was how she managed to climb the corporate ladder and juggling her life as a mother. She kept them separate and information was shared on need to know basis. People should judge you by how you perform. At least you know that whatever rating you get, you are benchmarked against your peers and assumed to have similar circumstances.

Anyway, back to this other director. When she came back from her meetings, she poured her heart out and thanked me for managing her son well. It kept her mind at peace and she could focus on her tasks. I understand where she was coming from. At present, her partner is away on business trip and she just couldn’t imagine how I manage. I said I have the support from people around me; friends, nannies, etc. It felt weird to be comforting and advising your superiors when usually they are the ones who play that role.

So that was another highlight for the week, being the nanny while at work. *grins* Tho someone asked if he was my child and that my partner must be really white that the boy has no Asian looks at all. *LOL* Mini B wasn’t that pleased knowing I spent the day with him. “I thought I am your only baby”, she said.

Yet she keeps asking me for a baby. Hmmmm.....


Inah said...

hmmmm..another baby..hehehe..just like me..i like kids..seriously..

cant wait to have one ;)

enjoy ur weekend msB..and a big hug to mini B ;)

D said...

HAHAHA!! After the first sentence, I thought you did some serious physical exercises, like a 5 mile jog or a day at the gym kinda thing. Would not have guessed kinky sex! LOL

how old was the baby? you had to carry him most of the time??!! hope the director takes note of it, eh?!

Kak Teh said...

Ms B, when I was struggling and juggling with work at the BBC and trying to be a mother, I used to take my first born to work. My husband would take him back to his office when I went on air or we'd have a nanny waiting in my room. It worked. We even had a bouncer where he could jump up and down. It was hard wanting to work yet wanting to be a mother. And when we had a childminder, she was indeed a blessing.
Now I look back and think, how on earth did i manage those days?

ruby ahmad said...

Hi Ms B,

Me like D...he he. Thought you did some weight training or sumfin'..not taht kinky whatever..LOL! Notty notty!

Hey double whammy cute, jaga another baby, then lil Ms B jeles..alahai, nak tengok muka cute dia, dengan jelingan manja dia. Certainly that's a highlight indeed.

Ms B said...

inah dear,

mini B has been asking a new addition a long time ago. *rolling eyes*

hanging out with them and having one of our own are two different things my dear. anybody can be mothers/fathers but some dont even know how to be parents. they forget that children are our 'amanah'.

so take your time, live life, and when is your time to have one, just be ready.

ps: did u ask the tattoed guy name???? *grin*

Ms B said...

D darling,

must add some sugar in the posting to entertain my lovely ladies. *Winks* altho i must say i look fwd if it was a bloom or a pitt. *LOL* *naughty thoughts*

he's only 9 mths but OMG, he's like15kgs++! with a huge belly. but he's very good looking. his mom is pretty, must be from her genes. the best thing was, no one disturbed me truout the day.

Ms B said...

kak teh,

Thats how the director felt. Knowing i could manage her son meant a lot to her. Just as you, sometimes I look back and feel how much I am blessed to have these people.

And I remember what you told me before, rezeki orang lain. perhaps our rezeki comes in those forms? *smiles*

Ms B said...

HI Ruby,

Great minds think alike, or should I rephrase to great ladies? *winks* *LOL* fantasy is always good.

Ah, indeed with her jelingan manja. She keeps asking for a baby and when I told her I babysat one for the day, she got upset! *LOL*

Hazia said...

You must be managing very well singed-handedly if people at work didn't know that you have a child. None of the usual emergency leaves, late to work, etc ya?:)

n.i. said...

ms b,
all hot moms know how to juggle the task *wink* we ladies are multi-taskers (is there such a word?).. we can hardly find men who can multi-task as good as we do... kan?

hmmm... bila mini b nleh dapat adik? *wink*

Ms B said...

Hi Hazia,

It's all about proper planning and managing. It is common for mothers here to work part-time or leave on time. I'm lucky to have strong support and able to focus on my work. I had a few projects with this particular director and there were times that we worked til midnite.

As I said, keep them separate. *smiles*

Ms B said...


*LOL* U are definitely right dear. Multi taskers indeed, tho I need to check in the mirror whether I'm hot enough. *grins*

adik?? well, anytime. Just a visit to the clinic and choose a donor. *LOL* A good friend suggested this. At least I get to choose the baby's attributes. *grins*