Saturday, April 21, 2007

Men, people and change

I’m at office today. It’s Saturday by the way. The lil girl suddenly requested for a visit at my work place. So here we are. She’s next to me, doing her colouring while I’m just killing my time browsing the net. I might as well update this blog. I know it’s been a while. I’ve been very busy past weeks, getting a report out.

Let’s talk about men.

I find it really amusing that despite how powerful and intelligent a man is, they can be so brainless when it comes to relationship and love. Seriously. Sometimes, when I’m busy, I’m like a man. I shutdown myself from non-work related. So maybe I reply the sms or emails later than usual, or I don’t pick up phone calls because I’m stuck in a meeting or on the other line with a client. And suddenly, I am the bad guy? Like I committed a big crime? Hehhehe, oh well, maybe now they understand how women feel when they shutdown at us on ‘busy’ purpose. It is just so funny to be getting extra concern and attention, when there is actually nothing wrong with me. But hey, why not? I can pretend something huge has happened in my life. Maybe this extra TLC will last long.

As for people and change.

I know it’s hard to accept that some people will never change. Sometimes people are just too blind with love. They think, after a while, the person will get better and slowly the pain goes away. You just have to think positive. But patience also has its limit.

For how long will you endure yourself with an abusive partner, either physically or emotionally, or being with an adulterous partner? For how long will you allow the people who are supposed to be under your care be subject to torture from your so-called love? Seriously. Maybe I can understand if someone chose to be in that situation, so long as it doesn’t involve anyone else. But once it involves other people, especially little people, I really don’t know what to say. I really get annoyed reading kids being abused by people known to them, or worse, their own parents.

If you don’t love yourself enough, fine! Stick to that person, for better or for worse. But seriously….if kids are involved, if you love them enough, you’d do what’s best.

Pick up some courage… and move on.

Take care people! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Ps: I’m trying hard to get the lil one out of this office! The weather is amazing today. Maybe ice-cream treat will do the trick.


Idham said...

:) yes, if ur lil one is like most lil girls cream will normally do the trick.

by the way....i have a friend...someone working with me in saudi who runs in the london marathon. he is an arab. hope he can complete the course.

nice to see u keeping neat compartments in ur life.....between work and personal things...:)

best wishes.


Unknown said...

Hi Ms Istanbul,

I have an idea the fear of having an abusive partner. I was in some midst of helping someone close to me who has an abusive hubby. I saw, I felt, the fear in her then. I too was frightened.

She never left him. That's her choice.

So my conclusion is, it takes a lot of guts to make that change. I take my hat off to anyone who does. *smile*

Ms B said...

Hi Id,

Sorry late reply. Busy. :D

Neat compartments? hehehhe...

Kak Ruby dear,

My friend was in the same boat. Her previous partners were all bad. Luckily she got herself a nice man and accept his proposal. :D fairy tales do happen.