Friday, June 11, 2010

Dresses dont lie

Two weeks to go and I have been keeping myself occupied with shopping rendezvous when in reality I should be focusing on the move. I think I've got most things covered. I've reached to a point where anything which is more than a year old or probably has less use or appeal will be given away. So far, a quarter of our things have gone to charity, a quarter to friends and family back home (toys, books and her fashionable outfits) and a fifth to the bin. I even have decided to leave it to the pro for this relocation where our things will be professionally packed and sail on a cruise which I can only imagine a five-star liner as the cost is higher than our flights.

Perhaps the stress is taking a toll on me as when I tried a few dresses yesterday, the sale assistant commented that I should try one size smaller. I quickly pointed out that they were the smallest in their range! She suggested I should check their youth section as they should have more sizes or different cutting.

A purple maxi dress got my attention and I took my usual size to the changing room. It was ok but another sale assistant took the liberty of getting a different fitting. Reluctantly I tried and when I came out, she was beaming with joy and said "now we found your size!"

It was UK size four....... sigh...

I cant wait for our two months break in Malaysia and indulge myself into lots of sinful food. Anyone care to be my ‘makan’ buddy? Momster perhaps?
Have a good weekend friends!


Naz in Norway said...

If ever we are in the same country, that is :D

my word veri:enomes
is somebody trying to tell us something here...hmmm....

inah said...

when are u coming back to malaysia?

Ms B said...


I am sure of that. :) I'm planning to go up north as I hv a few friends there, one in Kedah in fact.

Word veri must have 6th sense. LOL!

Ms B said...


mid july, hopefully. I'm sure I'll write about it.

IDB said...

bestye balik malaysia! wish i could go home too but that would mean more $$$$

nway, consider yourself lucky that there are size 4 dresses out there! waaaayyyyy back then when i was a size 4, there was only a size 8! you'll be lucky to find a size 6 back in 1998! no more problem finding dresses laa coz ive gone up a few sizes :)

enjoy being small coz it aint nice being big :P

The Momster said...

Ms B,
I now have a valid reason to be anyone's makan buddy!! Jom!

p.s. but it's not fair that i'll definitely balloon up and you won't! hahaha...