Thursday, July 05, 2007

Corporate lesson

My colleague, whom I’m seated next to, is working with a hot looking Director. He (the Director) loves to keep on hands on stuffs, thus always comes around looking for my friend, who always disappears each time. That leaves me talking to the Director each time, passing messages to my friend.

Damn! It’s just way too hard to act cool in front of a good-looking man. :-)

Me and another female colleague were talking about good-looking Directors in our department. There aren’t many I must say. The other Director, he is also good looking but he looks like a playboy type (and it’s a fact anyway. Just that he doesn’t date anyone from the office). Whilst this guy, he has charisma. Maybe because he’s always on the news, thus, being groomed with the right PR skills.

Nevertheless, he never fails to make my day. hahhahahah…..

Lesson to me when I become a boss: employ good looking men for the benefit of my female staffs. LOL!


Anonymous said...

dah perempuan perempuan jugak eh? hehehehe usha jangan tak ushaaaa :0)

Lee said...

Hello Ms Istanbul. Love your postings here.
You my kind of lady.
Read about employing good looking men in the office for your femail employers benefits? Ha ha, habis cherita...datelines not met, lots of 'sorry can't come to work today' or walking into tables, coffee spills, ha ha. Just kidding.
Love your sense of humour.
You be cool, Ms Istanbul. Best regards, UL.

Ms B said...

Simah dear,

mana boleh usha. Cuci mata je. Never mix business with pleasure. heheheh...


Hey... I have to bear with limited good looking men truout my career. No motivation to strive harder. hehhehe...
Thanks for hopping by!