Thursday, April 21, 2011

Making headlines

Sometimes our local columnists crack me up with their take on “issues” arising in our country. Their bold opinion from ‘forever young’ to ‘getting lucky’ certainly keeps me entertained. They are not alone. Even the partner has questioned my choice of daily news, thinking they are from the tabloids until I pointed out that they are from the mainstream.

It raised his eyebrows indeed.

Being abroad, you just couldn’t help feeling bemused at the highlights that make on the other side of the world as if we do not have pressing issues to be noticed by outsiders. Yet I am sure most of us are able to talk about it to people around us with a sense of humour as they would the same when similar news surfaces on their dailies. In fact, since everyone is engrossed with the hot topic in town, why not just join the debate? It’d be a good subject to kill time at mamak joints, with flows of teh tarik to keep it going.

Anyway, the young lady asked if it’s ok for her friend who lives nearby to come to our place after school. Since they are on the same bus, it makes sense for Kay to follow the young lady home straight. Thankfully the partner bought some mini pizzas yesterday. That should keep them entertained, apart from other girly stuff in her room.

Have a nice weekend!


The Momster said...

Nowadays the headlines seems to just leave a smirk on my face everytime - no comments, just a smirk! Haha.

Have a good weekend!

Ms B said...


come to think of it, as there are many depressing stories worldwide, reading our dailies seem to tone down the news. :) ala2 guilty pleasure.